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RURAL CONNECT - Communities Together East Anglia

Communities Together East Anglia is committed to reducing loneliness and social isolation across East Anglia – primarily in Suffolk.
It does this by working both at a county and regional level connecting and signposting support for individuals and organisations, and importantly, at a hyper-local level, working with and within communities to encourage connection, friendship, support and partnership.

A new transport service which Communities Together East Anglia (CTEA) will be starting  from Monday 4th November 2024. It is called ‘Rural Connect’, and is funded by Mid Suffolk District Council, targeting specific villages that would benefit from another transport solution. We are offering a door-to-door style service, in a new fully accessible, electric London style taxi. We have been tasked to provide a Monday to Saturday service, transporting local residents into the Stowmarket area to access facilities, reduce carbon emissions and help connect communities. 

The fares are based on mileage bands, details below, and are taken on Tap & Go card machines. We also accept travel vouchers, but not bus passes.

1 to 4 miles - £ 3.00

5 to 7 miles - £ 4.50

8 to 10 miles - £ 6.50

11 to 13 miles - £8.00

14 to 16 miles - £10.00

17 to 20 miles - £ 12.00


Tel:01449 614271

email: info@communitiestogether-ea.org

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