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20mph for Woolpit Village Centre

As part of the consultation for the writing of the Neighbourhood Plan, residents asked for a 20mph speed limit.

It has taken some years to make progress but at last, and with much thanks to our County Councillor Andy Mellen for his hard work and support, we are now close to achieving our goal.

Many households will have received a consultation letter from Suffolk County Council. If you didn't , please go to the 20 mph page where there is more information.


Inori Aikido Dojo: Reducing the Risk of Falling and Safe Falling

If you live in Woolpit or vicinity, you can learn more about Safe Falling from our walk-in facility, without an appointment, and it is completely FREE.

Inori Aikido Club offers awareness and practical sessions on every Thursday evening of March.

These sessions will focus on:
-Causes of Falling
-National and International Statistics
-How to Reduce the Risk of Falling
-Safe Falling Training

What is Safe Falling?
-Primarily, to protect your head from injury
-To prevent or reduce significant injury such as broken hips, pelvis, arms or shoulder
-To avoid any less serious injury such as bruising, sprains or strains

A fully developed program, suitable for men and women aged 55+, progresses from prevention to improving flexibility and balance, to adapted safe and low impact falling methods and techniques.

Who is eligible?
• Fit adults with concerns about loss of balance
• Adults who are living independent and active lives (personal care, stair climbing, doing shopping and errands)
• Adults who have had at least one fall
• Adults who are concerned enough to overcome the fear of falling
• Adults who don’t fear of looking silly or being a beginner at something


For more information please contact Adrian on 07793 658748 or e-mail us at inoridojo@yahoo.com


Mid Suffolk Taxi/Bus launched

This new service will run a circular route through villages starting and ending in Stowmarket. Woolpit is on the Stowmarket/Thurston route.

There is more information on the Transport Page  of this website



Have you ever wondered what happens to the contents of your recycling bins?

Take a look at the YouTube video of the Great Blakenham recycling centre. Lots of good advice.



Participants needed for a slot channel trial for electric vehicles

Do you have know someone without access to off street parking who would benefit from a cross-pavement charging solution? SCC is looking for people to participate in a 12-month trial testing a slot channel product.
What is a slot channel and how does it work?
A slot channel is installed into the pavement outside your property to allow an electric vehicle charging cable to be carried within the channel from your property to your parked vehicle, without causing a hazard on the footway. It allows you to charge an Electric Vehicle off your home electricity supply, which is much cheaper than commercial charging costs.
How the trial will work:
Suffolk County Council will fund the channel installation and participants will be expected to provide feedback throughout the trial. Participants will need to have an electric car to charge once the slot channel is installed and a home charger to connect to.
How do I take part in the trial?
Please share this information with anyone that you feel might fit the criteria and ask that they email Josie Taylor at josie.taylor@suffolk.gov.uk if they would like to be considered for this trial.



 Photographs of Woolpit

We would like to start a village photo gallery. 

Here are a couple to get us started.

IMG 3343

Door with wreath

Blue door with wreath





Viewing entries posted in October 2020

Please take a look at the news page

16 October 2020

And let us have village news for publication. 

Read more on Please take a look at the news page