WGNS mobile phone 07738756470
Operational 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
If calling outside of these hours leave a message.
In the event of an emergency call 999
You will also find us on Facebook and Nextdoor.
Do you have problems getting to the Doctors Surgery, Dentist or Hospital appointments and live in the Parish of Woolpit and Borley Green? Woolpit Good Neighbours would very much like to help in these situations. The phone is operational between 9.00am and 5.00pm Mondays to Fridays and if its not answered there is the facility to leave a message, the phone holder will get back to you asap.
Woolpit Good Neighbours are grateful to Dans Coaches who came to the rescue by running a bus service throughout the summer holidays. We believe they plan to extend the service they have been providing and timetables should appear at the bus stops. It is important to have these links between Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket otherwise people feel imprisoned in their own village.
Don’t hesitate to call or text the WGNS phone 07738756470 or email woolpitgoodneighbours@outlook.com
The scheme is run by a voluntary group of village residents who want to help people in their local community and provide a better quality of life by offering them support with everyday tasks. One off jobs could be changing a lightbulb, re-tuning a TV, fixing a gate latch, filling in forms, writing letters, or more regular like providing a lift, collecting prescriptions, getting library books, befriending and so many more little bits that worry people on a day to day basis but can be fixed easily by a volunteer.
If you can offer some help or support please join us.