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20 mph

As part of the consultation for the writing of the Neighbourhood Plan, residents asked for a 20mph speed limit. It has taken some years to make progress but at last, and with much thanks to our County Councillor Andy Mellen for his hard work and support, we are now close to achieving our goal. Traffic speed surveys were carried out and the parish council suggested a scheme which covered more streets than that finally agreed by Suffolk County Council.

SCC agreement is just the beginning. The process involves many several stages. We have reached consultation.  

Many households will have received a consultation letter from Suffolk County Council. If you didn't , please click on this link to download a copy.



Please respond to the consultation before the closing date of 24th March.

What is next?

We must be patient . Assuming the result of the consultation is positive, there are many more stages including:-

The making of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). A legal process must be followed to ensure that any new restrictions are enforceable. 

Assessments and site visits for hazard and risk dentification, Utility enquiries and the like for agreeing road signage etc.

All of this comes at a cost which the parish council is able to meet because of the Community Infrastructure Levy money it holds.